Profesor Titular de Universidad
Cao A, Reid LM, Butrón A, Malvar RA, Souto XC y Santiago R (2011). Role of hydroxycinnamic acids in the infection of maize silks by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 24(9): 1020-1026.
Hussain MI, Gonzalez L, Souto XC and Reigosa MJ (2011). Ecophysiological responses of three native herbs to phytotoxic potential of invasive Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. Agroforestry Systems 83: 149-166.
Santiago R, Butrón A, Reid LM, Arnason JT, Sandoya G, Souto XC y Malvar RA (2006). Diferulate content of maize sheaths is associated with resistance to the Mediterranean Corn Borer Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 9140-9144.
Santiago R, Souto XC, Monetti L, Ordas B, Ordas A, Malvar RA (2006). Effect of maize pith free phenols on larval growth and development of Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae). Journal of Entomology 3(4):281-289.
Santiago R, Butrón A, Arnason JT, Reid LM, Souto XC y Malvar RA (2006). Putative role of pith cell wall phenylpropanoids in Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) resistance. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(6): 2274-2279.
Santiago R, Malvar RA,Baamonde MD, Revilla P y Souto XC (2005). Free Phenols in Maize Pith and their Relation with Resistance to Pink Stem Borer (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Attack. Journal of Economic Entomology, 98(4): 1349-1356.
Souto XC (2004). Factores que afectan a la productividad en ecosistemas forestales. En el libro "La ecofisiología vegetal. Una ciencia de síntesis", Editores: Reigosa MJ, Pedrol MN y Sánchez MA. Editorial: Thomson-Paraninfo, pp. 997-1016.
Santiago R, Souto XC, Sotelo J, Butrón A y Malvar RA (2003). Relationship between maize stem structural characteristics and resistance to pink stem borer (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) attack. Journal of Economic Entomology 96(5): 1563-1570.
Souto XC y Pellissier F (2002). Feedback mechanism in the chemical ecology of plants: role of soil microorganisms. En el libro "Chemical Ecology of Plants: Allelopathy in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems", Editores: Inderjit, y Mallik, A.U. Editorial: Birkhauser-Verlag AG, pp. 89-98.
Pellissier F, Gallet C y Souto XC (2002). Allelopathic interaction in forest ecosystems. En el libro "Allelopathy. From molecules to ecosystems", Editores: Reigosa MJ y Pedrol N. Editorial: Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 257-269.
Souto XC, Bolaño JC, González L y Reigosa MJ (2001). Allelopathic effects of tree species on some soil microbial populations and herbaceous plants. Biologia Plantarum 44(2): 269-275.
Souto XC, Bolaño JC, González L y Santos XX (2001). HPLC Techniques-Phenolics. En el libro "Handbook of Plant Ecophysiology Techniques", Editores: Reigosa MJ. Editorial: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 251-282.
Souto XC, Pellissier F y Chiapusio G (2000). Allelopathic effects of humus phenolics on growth and respiration of mycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26(9): 2015-2023.
Souto XC, Chiapusio G y Pellissier F (2000). Relationship between phenolics and soil microorganisms in spruce forests. Significance for natural regeneration. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26(9): 2025-2034.
Pellissier F y Souto XC (1999). Allelopathy in northern temperate and boreal semi-natural woodland. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 1: 637-652.
Reigosa MJ, Souto XC y González L (1999). Effects of some phenolic compounds on six weed species. Plant Growth Regulation, 28: 83-88.
Alumnos de Tercer Ciclo |
Grupos de Investigación |
Dra. Rosana Malvar. Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) |
Dr. François Pellissier. Univ. de Savoie, Francia |
Dra. M-Charlotte Nilsson. Univ. de Umeä, Suecia |
Dr. Manuel Reigosa. Univ. de Vigo |
Dr. Lana Reid. Univ. Ottawa, Canada |
[Principal] [Docencia] [Miembros] [Investigación]